Securing Quality Representation Early - Why it's Important

One of the most important factors in obtaining a favorable outcome in a Social Security disability claim is securing quality representation as early as possible. An experienced Social Security attorney can assist you in preparing your case for success and may even be able to reduce the amount of time spent waiting for approval of your benefits. The process is complicated and involves a significant amount of paperwork. The information you provide in the paperwork required by S
ocial Security and the gathering of medical evidence can impact the outcome of your initial determination, Request for Reconsideration, and your Request for Hearing. 

    Your representative can also assist you with understanding how the Social Security disability process functions, the different types of Social Security benefits you may be eligible for, understanding what Social Security looks for when deciding which claims they will grant, and providing advice on how to improve the quality of your claim. They can also help you navigate the often complex technical issues involved in filing an application, how to talk to your medical providers about providing critically important statements in support of your claim, and assist you in gathering supportive documents that can make the difference between a favorable outcome and a denial. Social Security disability claims can be a long process and your representative will work to ensure all of the appropriate deadlines are met, ensure your file is complete, and will represent you in any hearings that are scheduled before the Social Security Administration. 

-Sarah Allison

Social Security Disability Hearing Attorney
Martin, Jones, & Piemonte



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