SSI, SSDI, and the Date Last Insured

Many people who apply for disability benefits aren’t aware that there are multiple types of Social Security disability benefits that individuals can apply for. The two most common types of benefits are Supplemental Security Income, commonly called SSI, and Social Security Disability 
Insurance which is often referred to as disability or SSDI. 

SSI is a needs-based program, which any disabled person can apply for regardless of their work history. SSDI requires enough quarters of coverage to qualify for benefits and requires applicants to apply for benefits within five years of the date when they last stopped working full time. This date is referred to as the Date Last Insured, or DLI. 

Many applicants are unaware of this limitation and do not realize that they are not eligible for SSDI benefits if a medical condition becomes disabling after the DLI, or if they become disabled because of an existing condition that worsens after the DLI. This is one of the most important reasons to consult with an attorney experienced in Social Security disability because they will check to make sure you have enough quarters of coverage to pursue your SSDI claim, as well as check for any other types of Social Security benefits you may be eligible to receive. 

-Sarah Allison

Social Security Disability Hearing Attorney
Martin, Jones, & Piemonte



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